Welcome to our brand portal!
Here you can find KatanaPIM’s assets. We love and believe in a consistent brand presentation across channels, so feel free to download & use everything you need for your website & articles.

Logo in different variations and color combinations

Logo thumbnail
Different kinds of logo thumbnails

KatanaPIM Brochure ES
Spanish version of the KatanaPIM brochure (PDF)

KatanaPIM Brochure NL
Dutch version of the KatanaPIM-brochure (PDF)

KatanaPIM Brochure EN
English version of the KatanaPIM brochure (PDF)

Over KatanaPIM
In deze PDF vindt u bedrijfsinformatie, productinformatie en voordelen van KatanaPIM kort uitgelegd.

About KatanaPIM
In this PDF you can find company information, product information and benefits of KatanaPIM shortly explained.

Core values
These are our core values, applicable to our company, our team and our product
Videos & Screenshots

Education & learning playlist
Learn all about KatanaPIM's features and how-tos.

KatanaPIM: a 7 minutes demo
A video about the main features of KatanaPIM and how it works.

A variation of product screenshots

Maximizing marketplace success
An informative whitepaper in collaboration with ChannelEngine

The 5 biggest e-commerce challenges solved by PIM
An informative whitepaper