April 4, 2024

Icecat & KatanaPIM: empowering ecommerce with comprehensive product information

Icecat & KatanaPIM: empowering ecommerce with comprehensive product information

We're excited to share that KatanaPIM and Icecat have joined forces through a new integration. This is a big deal for anyone looking to sell products online because it means our users can now easily get their hands on detailed product information from Icecat, right inside KatanaPIM. This partnership is all about making it simpler and faster for businesses to manage product data and stand out online. 

As the single source of truth for product information, KatanaPIM simplifies the collection, enrichment, and distribution of product data. The introduction of the Icecat integration is a game-changer, enabling users to access Icecat's extensive catalog of standardized product content.

Using the integration between KatanaPIM and Icecat saves retailers and wholesalers significant time and effort in collecting existing content. This efficiency leaves more time for the content managers to enhance the product description quality and tailor it to their specific audiences. Moreover, it streamlines the process of distributing this enriched content to the right stores or partners.
Raoul Straathof | Product manager at KatanaPIM

Icecat, the global leader in product content syndication, provides an expansive and detailed database of product specifications and marketing descriptions. This information is invaluable for brands, manufacturers, and ecommerce businesses, enhancing online product listings and the shopping experience. By facilitating access to comprehensive product details, Icecat supports retailers in optimizing their product presentation and reach on various online platforms.

Thanks to the integration with KatanaPIM, we enable Icecat users to easily enrich their product listings and pages with Icecat product content. Adding KatanaPIM to our plugins is valuable for both existing and new users.
Yagiz Cekic
| Director of PIM Solutions at Icecat

The KatanaPIM and Icecat integration drastically cuts down on manual work, reduces errors, and enhances efficiency for businesses. It grants access to Icecat's vast product database, allowing for up-to-date, detailed product listings that stand out in a competitive market. This means businesses can spend more time on growth, knowing their product content is top-notch and in sync with market demands.

Want to learn more about this integration and its opportunities? Chat with us!

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Icecat & KatanaPIM: empowering ecommerce with comprehensive product information

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Get your product information together and scale your business

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Get your product information together and scale your business

Get KatanaPIM to manage and distribute your product data without the hassle.